Greentown is a distributor whose business is focused on eco-friendly products. It sells goods and merchandise to retailers and commercial businesses. I partnered with them to develop and design their whole brand.

For the logo, I chose a wordmark with a modern serif font. I redesigned the lettering so that the ‘G’ and ‘r’ emulates a seedling and the ‘o’ contains a leaf. There is a full color version of the logo and then different iterations in green, white and brown to keep the idea of ecology throughout.

The visual identity includes a small and large seed design that comes in two washed out earth tones to be used as a recognisable shape and graphic element. In addition to this, I also created a series of illustrated icons for the brand to represent the different facets of the brand and what they stand for.

Oh Seed Paper!

Rather than simply create graphics that spoke to the ecological focus of the brand, I felt the materials they use for their brand collateral could also tell the story.

From this, the seed paper business card idea was born. It’s a cute, engaging and memorable business card idea that creates a nice talking point when the management meet with prospective clients and amplifies what the brand stands for.

Eco-friendly food packaging

Eco-friendly food packaging

Eco-friendly food packaging

Eco-friendly food packaging • Eco-friendly food packaging • Eco-friendly food packaging •


